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Small Business Recovery & Sustainability

  • Infrastructure Investment

  • Digital Transformation

  • Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) Relief

Seeking relief measures such as rewriting interest structures, interest cancellation, or partial or full principal forgiveness to alleviate the massive burden of EIDL loans on small businesses.

  • NAICS Code Reform

Advocating for reforming NAICS codes to accurately represent various industry crafts, facilitating better advocacy and financial data accuracy.

  • Pandemic Business Interruption Insurance

Supporting a public/private partnership for pandemic insurance coverage, drawing parallels to successful models established post-9/11, to mitigate future economic devastation caused by pandemics.

  • Regulatory Relief

Pushing for regulatory reforms to reduce bureaucratic hurdles and ease compliance burdens on small businesses, allowing them to focus on recovery and expansion.

  • Workforce Development

Supporting workforce training and development programs tailored to small businesses' needs to ensure access to skilled workers for recovery and growth.

Advocating for infrastructure investments, such as transportation networks and broadband access, to enhance small businesses' competitiveness and resilience.

Promoting digital adoption among small businesses through resources for e-commerce, digital marketing, and cybersecurity to adapt to modern business operations.

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I am committed to comprehensive immigration reform that reflects our progressive values and principles. Our nation was not just built by immigrants, and it's imperative that we create a fair, just, and compassionate immigration system.

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We envision a congressional district (and beyond) where every individual, regardless of their background, has the opportunity to thrive in a safe, affordable, and inclusive community. We are determined to transform this vision into a reality.

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Equal Rights & Protections for Women, BIPOC,


Our campaign, driven by progressive values, is committed to advocating for equal rights and protections for Women, BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color), and LGBTQ+ individuals.


I firmly believe that everyone, regardless of their gender or identity, should have the right to make decisions about their own bodies and reproductive health. 

Heart with a medical cross icon


Passing a farm act (the last one has expired and is currently continued through a stopgap measure) that contains all or most of retiring Earl Blumenauer’s proposed Food and Farm Act. Earl’s bill differs from the past farm bills by

1. Reducing spending and focusing on resources on those who need them;

2. Fostering research and innovation;

3. Encouraging sound conversation practices and outcomes and;

4. Ensuring access to healthy foods. More specifically, doing the following will ensure a better food economy for the nation: 

  • Refocusing Resources and Funding

Shifting commodity farmer subsidies to small and medium sized farms, especially those with minority and disadvantaged populations. Investing in educating and inspiring new, young farmers.

  • Sustainable Agriculture

Promoting eco-friendly farming practices, reducing pesticide use, and encouraging local and small-scale farming to minimize environmental impact.

  • Food Innovation

Prioritizing and increasing the funding for research that will increase agricultural productivity and production. 

  • Food Justice

Advocating for fair treatment and access to healthy food for all, addressing food deserts, and combating racial disparities in food access.

  • Farm-to-Table Economy

Supporting local food systems, small farmers, and direct-to-consumer sales to strengthen community-based agriculture.

  • Regenerative Agriculture

Encouraging practices that enhance soil health, biodiversity, and combat climate change in farming.

  • Food Sovereignty

Ensuring communities have control over their food systems and protecting against corporate dominance in the food industry.


  • Cease Fire

Continuing to call for a ceasefire in Gaza and surrounding areas and renewing the call as many times as necessary.

  • Standing Up for Peace

Advocating for peaceful diplomatic efforts to resolve conflicts in Ukraine and Gaza through negotiations and dialogue.

  • Standing Up for Human Rights

Promoting human rights, humanitarian aid, and reconstruction efforts in conflict-affected regions.

  • Labeling of War Criminals

Treating foreign leaders who commit war crimes as war criminals and labeling them as such.

  • Massive Auditing of All Military Funding and Contracts

Supporting our military but making sure that any and all funding is being used appropriately (ie.closely reviewing government contracts with private companies).

  • Conditioning Foreign Military Aid

Making sure that any and all foreign military dollars that supply weaponry or related goods are only sent/access to funding is only received with surety that war protocols are being followed and human rights are not being violated.

  • Humanitarian Aid and Support

Providing humanitarian assistance to those affected by the conflict, including refugees and internally displaced persons.Promoting international cooperation to deliver aid effectively.

  • Multilateral Engagement for Peace

 Emphasizing the importance of working with international organizations like the United Nations and the European Union to address the Ukraine crisis.Promoting a coordinated, multilateral approach to peace negotiations.

  • Israel-Palestine Peace Initiative

Advocating for a just and lasting solution to the Israel-Palestine conflict through negotiations and a two-state solution.


  • Mental Health Crisis Urgency Measures

Massive national resource and funding increases for mental research, resources, and services of every type for people of every age.

  • Mental Health Equity

Advocating for equal access to mental health care services and addressing disparities.

  • Community-Based Services

Expanding community-based mental health services and early intervention programs.

  • Mental Health Education and Awareness

Promoting education, reducing stigma, and encouraging open discussions about mental health.

  • Telehealth Access

Expanding telehealth options for mental health care.

  • Mental Health and Physical Health

Treating mental health with equal importance as physical health. Combining record sharing and resources between mental health and physical health service providers.

  • Insurance Coverage

Passing laws that make mental health services completely covered by insurance and

1. Available immediately;

2. Covered regardless of any “in network/out of network” distinctions;

3. Allowed for regular mental health services without requiring a temporary or permanent diagnosis.


  • Rethinking Family Needs

Addressing any and all disparities in family support and early childhood education. Making sure that federal programs work for the times. Supporting families of any type in America with paid family leave, flexible work arrangements, and accessible and high-quality early education services.

  • Universal Pre-K

Ensuring every child has access to quality early learning experiences by expanding access to affordable, high-quality daycare for working families.

  • Federal Funding Increases

Increasing funding for early education programs, facility assistance, and pay for teachers who teach students of all ages. Collaborating with parents, educators, and community leaders to develop effective policies.


  • Tribal Sovereignty and Rights

Advocating for the protection of tribal sovereignty rights and the recognition of treaty obligations. Promoting meaningful consultation and collaboration between tribal nations and federal agencies.

  • Final, Secured Federal Recognition of These Nations

  • Cultural Heritage and Community Preservation

Supporting efforts to preserve and revitalize Native American languages, cultural heritage, and sacred sites. Upholding the rights of Native American communities to protect their cultural resources.

  • Economic Development and Education Equity

Promoting economic development initiatives that create jobs and improve the economic well-being of tribal communities. Addressing disparities in Native American education and healthcare access.

  • Environmental and Natural Resource Protection

Advocating for the protection of tribal lands, natural resources, and ecosystems. Addressing environmental issues impacting tribal communities.


  • Financial Education & Empowerment

Funding for financial literacy education programs in schools and communities. Empowering people of all ages to make informed financial choices and providing information on these choices in accessible ways.

  • Consumer Financial Protection

Protecting consumers from predatory financial practices. Ensuring fair lending, transparency, and accountability.

  • Affordable Financial Services

Increasing access to affordable banking and financial services. Providing alternatives to costly financial products.

  • Retirement Security

Strengthen retirement security.Expand access to retirement benefits.

  • Elder Care National Expansion

Developing assisted living and nursing resource programs of every type to meet the needs of the nation’s aging population that can’t afford/won’t be able to afford elder care. Supporting elder care companies of all types that have creative solutions and strictly adhere to financial and care protocols.


  • Creating a Non Profit Organization Administration

Creating an independent agency of the federal government similar to the Small Business Administration (SBA) created in 1953 by the Small Business Act.

  • Empowering Nonprofit Organizations

Promoting policies that empower nonprofit organizations to effectively serve their communities and advocating for increased funding and resources.

  • Nonprofit Sustainability Initiative

Supporting initiatives to ensure the long-term sustainability of nonprofit organizations and providing financial and capacity-building support to help nonprofits thrive.

  • Modernizing IRS Application Processes

Looking at IRS 1023 and 1024 federal exemption application processes and making them more modern, manageable, and efficient.

  • Community Organizations Vitalization

Focusing on revitalizing community-based nonprofit organizations and promoting partnerships between nonprofits, local governments, and businesses to address community needs.

  • Nonprofit Capacity Building Program

Establishing programs (comparable to the SBDC and Score Programs but nonprofit specific) that offer technical assistance, training, and resources to strengthen nonprofit operations and enhance their capacity to deliver essential services.


  • Closing Tax Loopholes

Ensuring that corporations pay their fair share of taxes.

  • Holding politicians accountable for prioritizing corporate interests.

  • Implementing wealth taxes on billionaires to address economic inequality

  • Enacting comprehensive campaign finance reform to reduce the influence of money in politics. Codifying laws that take precedence over the Citizens United case

  • Limiting corporate influence through stricter regulations on lobbying and contributions

  • Strengthen democracy by expanding voting rights and increasing transparency in elections


  • Advocating for bipartisan cooperation and constructive legislative efforts to address critical issues facing the nation

  • Supporting measures to increase transparency, accountability, and efficiency in Congress's operations

  • Encouraging members of Congress to prioritize the needs of their constituents over partisan interests and engage in meaningful dialogue to find common ground.

  • Support bipartisan efforts, such as Marie Gluencamp Perez's legislation, to address the debt ceiling issue and prevent unnecessary political brinkmanship

  • Advocating for responsible fiscal policies that balance the budget while ensuring essential government functions can continue without disruption

  • Working towards long-term solutions to reduce the national debt and promote fiscal sustainability without jeopardizing critical government services or economic stability

  • Evaluating the potential benefits and drawbacks of implementing term limits for members of Congress

  • Supporting initiatives to reform congressional procedures and reduce gridlock, such as streamlining the legislative process and increasing accountability for congressional leaders

  • Advocating for measures to reduce the influence of special interests and increase transparency in lobbying activities


  • Comprehensive Addiction Reform

Advocating for a holistic approach to addiction, including prevention, treatment, and harm reduction, while promoting evidence-based strategies

  • Substance Use Disorder Treatment Access Act

Expanding access to substance use disorder treatment programs, ensuring insurance coverage for addiction treatment services, and providing medication-assisted treatment (MAT) options.

  • Harm Reduction and Overdose Prevention Initiative

Supporting harm reduction measures like supervised injection sites and naloxone distribution to prevent opioid overdoses, while reducing the criminalization of drug use.

  • Equity in Addiction Recovery

Addressing disparities in access to addiction treatment and recovery services, especially concerning racial and socioeconomic factors, and investing in culturally competent addiction programs.


  • Universal Education Access

Advocating for universal access to high-quality education from preschool through higher education.

  • Funding for Schools and Workforce Development

Supporting increased funding for public schools, affordable college options, work-study, certificate programs, and vocational training programs.

  • Addressing disparities in K-12 education funding and resources to ensure every student receives a quality education.

  • Protection of School Programs

At all costs, saving America’s art and music programs, libraries, and after school programs.

  • Respecting and Paying Teachers What They Deserve

Supporting teacher training, fair wages, and working conditions for educators. Making sure that pay not only suffices for the job but for the area where the job is located.

  • College Affordability and Debt Relief

Promoting policies to make college more affordable, including tuition-free community college and increased financial aid.

  • Student Loan Reform

Reforming income-driven repayment plans to make them more affordable and expanding loan forgiveness options. Advocating for lower interest rates on federal student loans and increased transparency in college costs.

  • Student Loan Debt Crisis

Treating this as the crisis it is. Advocating for debt forgiveness for students burdened with high levels of student loan debt. Making it so student loans qualify for declaring bankruptcy (if that’s the student’s choice) and qualify for refinancing in competitive market ways (like other loans).


  • Passage of the John Lewis Voting Rights Act

Honoring John Lewis's legacy and the sanctity of voting by safeguarding the right for marginalized communities and ensuring their voices are heard in our democracy. Working to modernize and update the preclearance formula to address contemporary threats to voting rights.

  • Voter ID Laws

Opposing discriminatory voter ID laws that disproportionately disenfranchise marginalized communities, including people of color, low-income individuals, and the elderly. Advocating for policies that expand access to acceptable forms of identification and streamline the process for obtaining them. Working to educate the public on the importance of protecting voting rights and the detrimental effects of restrictive voter ID laws on voter turnout.

  • Fair and Transparent Elections

Promoting fair and transparent election processes that uphold the integrity of our democracy. Supporting initiatives to increase accessibility to voting, including early voting, mail-in balloting, and accessible polling locations. Advocating for the implementation of strict oversight measures to prevent voter intimidation and fraud.

  • Gerrymandering Rules/Reform

Supporting redistricting reforms that prioritize fairness, transparency, accurate representation, and independent, nonpartisan processes.


  • Advocating for the implementation of a truth in broadcasting act to promote transparency and accuracy in reporting

  • Working towards establishing clear guidelines for labeling opinion-based programming and ensuring that it is not presented as factual news

  • Proposing fines or penalties for media outlets that engage in purposefully inaccurate reporting or negligent dissemination of false information

  • Advocating for rigorous fact-checking standards and independent oversight mechanisms to hold media organizations accountable for the accuracy of their reporting

  • Advocating for responsible fiscal policies that balance the budget while ensuring essential government functions can continue without disruption

  • Supporting efforts to empower consumers with tools and resources to identify misinformation and distinguish credible sources from unreliable ones

  • Supporting initiatives to promote media literacy and critical thinking skills to help the public navigate an increasingly complex media landscape


  • Advocating for policies that promote affordable housing options for seniors, including subsidies, tax credits, and incentives for developers to build age-friendly housing

  • Supporting initiatives to retrofit existing housing stock to make it more accessible for seniors, including ramps, handrails, and other modifications

  • Working to address housing discrimination against seniors and ensure equal access to housing opportunities regardless of age

  • Supporting efforts to increase access to quality nursing care for seniors, including funding for Medicaid and Medicare programs that provide long-term care services

  • Advocating for measures to improve workforce training and recruitment in the nursing care sector to meet the growing demand for services

  • Working towards policies that enhance affordability and transparency in nursing care costs, including regulations on pricing and insurance coverage

  • Promoting the development of age-friendly communities that support the needs of seniors, including accessible transportation options, recreational facilities, and social services

  • Support initiatives to combat social isolation among seniors through community engagement programs, senior centers, and volunteer opportunities

  • Advocating for policies that prioritize the safety and well-being of seniors in urban planning and infrastructure development

  • Protecting and expanding Social Security benefits by opposing any cuts to Social Security and advocating for increasing benefits to address rising living and healthcare costs

  • Championing fair funding for Social Security sustainability, supporting a progressive funding approach, like raising or eliminating the income cap, to ensure the long-term viability of Social Security


  • Creating an immediate federal safe harbor for states that have legalized cannabis or psilocybin.

  • Finally passing the Safe Banking Act  to expand access to traditional financial and banking services by creating broader and less onerous safe-harbor protections

  • Passing an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act which would require the Department of Defense to study therapeutic benefits of cannabis, psilocybin and MDMA for qualifying service members.

  • Amending the Controlled Substances Act (CSA) so that states can opt out of provisions governing cannabis and psilocybin so that regulatory controls and administrative, civil, and criminal penalties under the CSA must comply with that state’s law.

  • Implementing strict quality control to ensure safety of products.

  • Allocating tax revenue from sales to fund addiction treatment, mental health services, and public education.

  • Expanding access to psychedelic therapy by expanding training to include mental health professionals and others

  • Ensuring vulnerable populations receive reasonable accommodation in states with regulated cannabis, psilocybin, and MDMA services.

  • Increasing funding for clinical research on therapeutic potential of psychedelic-assisted care.

  • Developing educational programs to raise awareness among healthcare providers and policymakers.

  • Fostering collaboration among institutions and stakeholders to advance research and innovation.

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